
An unmistakable, vibrantly red Italian bitter, Campari’s iconicity could only be born of true Red Passion. It is a contemporary classic, lying at the heart of some of the world’s most famous and well-loved cocktails, stimulating the senses through a captivating visual and flavor experience.

COLOR Brilliantly clear with a vibrant, Campari Red color.
NOSE Appealingly complex, with herbal, orange and floral notes.
TASTE Pleasantly bitter with a velvety aftertaste. Intense notes of orange, herbs and wood.

Campari Negroni

Over 100 years after its creation in Florence in 1919, the Negroni cocktail remains one of the most iconic and widely requested cocktails due to its distinctive and simple yet perfectly balanced flavor. Whilst master mixologists can create the perfectly rounded Negroni cocktail behind the bar, now all Negroni lovers can enjoy their favorite cocktail, expertly mixed in the comfort of their own home.

COLOR The epitome of Red Passion, with the classically appealing crimson tones of Campari.
NOSE Herby notes with layers of dark fruits. Gin provides notes of lemon and coriander seed.
TASTE The iconic bitterness of Campari, balanced by the fruity sweetness of vermouth and gin’s juniper tang.